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Welcome to the 66th issue of TMPDIR, a weekly newsletter 📰 covering Embedded Linux, IoT systems, and technology in general. Please pass this on to anyone else you think might be interested. Suggestions and feedback are welcome at ✉️

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Khem and Cliff

Quote for the week

Health lies in action, and so it graces youth. To be busy is the secret of grace, and half the secret of content. Let us ask the gods not for possessions, but for things to do; happiness is in making things rather than in consuming them. -- Will Durant


C++ in Linux Kernel An almost 6 year old thread got revived on Linux kernel mailing lists. This thread is basically about letting C++ be an option for kernel code. In the past, there has been resistance to allowing C++ in kernel, this post urges to reconsider the situation in current times. The case for Macros vs inline functions, and onboarding on new kernel programmers, which is supported by a lot of responses to that thread are interesting. The Linux Kernel does a bit of meta-programming using macros, which could also be done using templates in C++ improving debugging and make the 32 bit user-space type to 64bit kernel type handling easier. The learning curve from C to C++ is not as steep as C to Rust, and the Kernel has recently added rust support. I think allowing a subset of C++ (kernel C++) could be a good thing for Linux kernel.

GitPLM Parts

GitPLM is experiment in using the KiCad database feature.

Maintaining eCAD parts libraries is a lot of work. Are you:

  • tired of the tedious work of maintaining tradition KiCad libraries or manually adding MFG information to each part in a design?
  • duplicating symbols in KiCad just because a parameter needs changed?
  • duplicating information in your parts database and in schematic symbols?
  • duplicating a lot of work in each design and occasionally make mistakes like specifying the wrong MPN?
  • afraid of of the complexity of setting up a database for KiCad libraries?
  • having trouble tracking who made what changes made in a parts database?
  • struggling to find a CAD library process that will scale to large teams?

The GitPLM Parts project is a collection of best practices that allows you to:

  • easily set to a database driven parts libraries without a central database and connection (Git friendly).
  • leverage a common library of parts across multiple designs.
  • easily specify part parameters in table format.
  • not duplicate part parameters.
  • leverage the standard KiCad symbol library for most common parts.
  • easy add variants with just a line in a CSV file.
  • track all database changes.
  • scale to multiple designers.

Check it out ...

Discourse, living on the edge

We've been running the TMPDIR community site for several (3.5) years now with no significant problems. Perhaps every month I'll get an email something like this:

Hooray, a new version of Discourse is available!

Your version: 3.2.0.beta4-dev New version: 3.2.0.beta4

I was curious why Discourse always wants me to run "beta" or worse yet, "beta-dev" software. The following threads shed some light:

Some quotes:

Our nomenclature is a bit different than other software companies, but what it means when we release a beta is we’re releasing a new incremental version. We’ve said, “That’s enough changes for now. Let’s notify sites about new updates.”

So for us, a beta is a minor version bump, and a version is a major version bump. They’re checkpoints we give ourselves to celebrate the work we’ve done. We tend to release two major versions a year, but it all depends on feature development and the like. We’re not really into fake deadlines.

Regarding the branches

Stable/beta are not necessarily any more “stable” than tests-passed. It’s more the idea that the bugs are known. With tests-passed there may be new bugs introduced then fixed a few commits later.

Tests-passed is not much different than most other software releases out there, which usually release small changes every two weeks. We commit new changes almost daily instead, and they’re available via tests-passed.

We run tests-passed in production on our hosting. It’s 100% meant for production sites.

So for Discourse, their definition of "production ready" is "tests pass." Stable release numbers are largely irrelevant anymore. This is the "new" best practice in software development but requires some investment in testing and thinking a little differently.

Ask yourself the question, if your tests pass, are you confident enough to deploy it to production without any manual fiddling or second-guessing? If not, then perhaps a little more work in testing is in order. If something breaks, write a test that detects it so it will not happen again, and move on. This is the way to move fast.

Thoughts, feedback? Let us know: ✉️

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