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Welcome to the 30th issue of TMPDIR Weekly, a newsletter covering Embedded Linux, IoT systems, and technology in general. Please pass it on to anyone else you think might be interested and send any tips or feedback to our forum or

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Linux load averages

Brenden has an excellent post on Linux load averages. This article goes into the history of uninterruptible tasks and how its meaning has evolved and how it has impacted the metric itself. Understanding Linux Load averages has always been challanging, especially when it comes to multicore CPUs, this is also explained well. A few other tools are also presented that may be more useful in some situations.

Rolling ubuntu with 'Rolling Rhino'

It has been announced that the Rolling Rhino remix edition of Ubuntu will be a rolling release. General Ubuntu releases are time based where a major release is made every 6 months (April/October) complemented with LTS release every couple of years. It has served well so far but distributions such as Arch Linux have been finding success with a rolling release model so this model is extending to more distributions. It also means that a devops mindset is gaining traction in distribution building.

Support of the Nezha Allwinner D1

A BSP port for the Allwinnner D1 (RISCV based) has been summitted and is under review on meta-riscv. This adds another SBC possibility for RISCV-64 architectures.


How to set up a simple file server using Caddy to share large files.

A minor GitPLM that organizes the BOM output columns a little better for importing into various distributor BOM tools (like Mouser). We've also updated the documentation and polished some thoughts on a part number format.

The CGo-free port of SQLite now supports riscv64.

Some rambings about Business Contracts. -- cb

Some notes on Go 1.18 workspaces.

Quote for the week

The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time. -- Tom Cargill

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Thanks for reading!

Khem and Cliff